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Sunday 26 February 2012

The fiery dragon, Draconis, has awoken. As searing flames lick the charred scales accenting his face, a roar is let loose - the World Tree must be defended! Even Pyromancer would be scared of all the fire brought forth. As a ranged agility hero, Draconis can lay waste to his enemies with attacks, and should focus on doing damage and increasing his attack speed.

Draconis would benefit the most from Steamboots, as the attack speed and defensive capabilities are the most fitting. Ghost Marchers can be nice for the damage, but Blazing Flight already grants a great movespeed boost along with unit walking, so they're redundant. Frostburn has proven to be a great item for the bonus damage, health, and snare needed to keep the barrage of Cataclysmic Assault going longer. Since most of Draconis' spells are low mana cost, a chalice provides all the mana needed, if you opt to go for a heavy Q build for ganking. Since Cataclysmic Assult propegates attack modifiers, items such as Savage Mace and Frostwolf Skull synergize nicely for huge damage and a giant slow. Charged Hammer will only proc on the main attack, however, with the increased attack speed boost and AoE damage, it's still a viable alternative to Savage Mace. Wingbow can be used as a tech item for the defensive stats it grants through evasion and armor, but Shrunken Head is the ultimate defensive item to allow full use of Cataclysmic Assault and maximum damage.

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Property of S2 Games.

Earth And Legend features multiplayer mode as well as single player. Team up with a friend and experience co-op multiplayer over Bluetooth. The multiplayer system allows players to tag team creatures and fight alongside each other while solving quests. There are no level restrictions in multiplayer combat. The multiplayer system automatically divides experience points fair and evenly based on each player's level and the level of the target creature so players of any level can join together. Also each player can have a pet in multiplayer mode for additional attack damage. Pets with special skills keep all of their abilities and can use them while in multiplayer mode. Multiplayer also uses 3D sound positioning which allow players to hear

Thursday 23 February 2012

WAZZUB baru yang akan launching pada tgl 9 April 2012.

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Friday 3 February 2012

Gravekeeper is an intelligence hero with a ranged attack. His abilities all revolve around death, and slinging corpses around a fight. He deals primarily magical damage, with Corpse Toss, Corpse Explosion, and the bursting zombies from Zombie Apocalypse. Items that benefit his defenses and magical damage at once are the best. Grave Locket, Power Supply, and Steam Boots are all wise pick ups. One could opt for Ghost Marchers, which allows much better harassing and kiting with Corpse Toss/Defiling Touch, but it's a trade for less survivability. Tablet of Command and Nullstone are great defensive items, one providing escape and the other providing health and spell nullifying, and both benefitting his Mana pool. End-game items like Hellflower, Kuldra's, and Frostfield Plate all benefit Gravekeeper and help him stay alive longer. Spellshards would increase the damage on a few abilities, but since it won't affect Zombie Apocalypse and Corpse Toss uses charges/Defiling Touch is passive, the cooldown reduction is not useful. Stormspirit would increase Gravekeeper's mana regeneration and grant survivability, as well, but may be opted out for other, more powerful items.

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