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Saturday 23 November 2013

Klanx is a highly mobile ranged agility carry that excells at suprising the enenmy and unleashing devestating burst damage with the aid of his Lackeys!

All rejoice! Klanx is here, the most diabolical villain to ever grace the world of Newerth! No other minds can comprehend his genius, and even heroic eyes can barely gaze upon his rugged visage without collapsing in admiration. Forget Tork the Engineer and his inferior intellect and supposed ingenuity—Klanx is about to swagger onto the battlefield equipped with his latest and greatest weaponry, as well as a full supply of faithful lackeys and goons. Victories are his for the taking, and they should feel lucky to belong to such a stunning force of brilliant destruction. 

Klanx skills:

B.A.N.G. [ Q ]
B.A.N.G..jpgEffects: Reduced movement speed by 90% initialy, recovering to full speed over 3s
Cast Time: 0 / 0 second
Target Position : Enemy Units
Type - Magic
Launches at target position. The sphere expodes after a short delay dealing damage and slowing enemies facing it.
Range: 1300
Radius: 350
Mana Cost: 80

Target a position to throw a flashbang that detonates after 0.5 seconds. Enemies facing the center receive 70/100/130/160 Magic Damage and B.A.N.G. Debuff. Enemies not facing the center receive half damage.

May be cast 2 times in succession. Charge refresh every 8 seconds.

§  Flashbangs will land at the target position 0.8 seconds after cast.
§  A unit is considered facing the flashbang if they are facing less than 100 degrees away  from the flashbang.§  Flashbangs provide 500 vision (day and night).

H.A.W.K [ W ] 

+10% Movement Speed
Duration is lowered by 2.5 seconds whenever attacked
Cast Time: 0 / 0 second
Target: Self
Mana Cost: 80
Cooldown: 15 seconds
Klanx Pull out his Wing Board and takes to the skies allowing movement through terrain

Activate to apply Wing Board for 9/11/13/15 Seconds.
This skill cannot be activated within 3 seconds of taking damage.

§  Destroys trees in 100 radius around Klanx.
§  Duration reduction is not triggered by abilities (except auto-attack based abilities).
§  Duration of Wing Board is not reduced if Klanx is attacked by a unit with Magic Immunity.
Lackey [ A ]
Lackey.jpgEffects: Passively adds a 15/30/45/60 Magic Damage rocket whenever you attack. This rocket is avoidable by enemy movement.
No Target
Cooldown: 0.3 Seconds

§  Can be toggled off.
§  Missiles travel at a speed of 9000/100/1100/1200.
§  Missiles have a touch radius of 75.
§  Missiles deal damage in a radius of 175 on impact.
§  Lackey is inherited by illusions, and deal 33% of normal damage.
§  Lackeys have a base movespeed of 150, which increases with distance from Klanx (Distance^3 / 32000). Max movement speed is capped at 1000, which is achieved when Lackey is 301 units away from Klanx.
§  Lackey number starts at #1, and is succeeded by the next Lackey number when Klanx dies. Lackey number goes up to #9.
§  Klanx would need at least 580 bonus Attack Speed in order to attack faster than the Lackey's cooldown.

Goon Squad [ R ]
Goon Squad.jpgCast Time: 0 / 0 second
Self Position
Mana Cost: 100/125/150
Cooldown: 60 seconds
Klanx summons his Lackey Goon Squad and orders tham to attack enemies whenever he attacks.
Activate to summon 1/2/3 Minions that attack with you
First Minion: Deals 30 Magic Damage bouncing to nearby enemy units.
Second Minion: Deals 15 Magic Damage and applies a 25% Movement Speed slow for 2 seconds.
Third Minion: Deals 30% of your base damage.

§  Lasts 15 seconds.
§  Minions are considered gadgets, and cannot have damage buffs applied to them.
§  Minions do not attack ally creeps.
§  Minions can attack up to 950 units away.
§  All three minions have 1900/800 day/night vision.
§  First Minion:
§  Has a Movement Speed of 140 and a missile speed of 1600.
§  Attacks bounce up to 6 times and chains to visible, non-magic immune units up to 600 units away.
§  Second Minion:
§  Has a Movement Speed of 180 and a missile speed of 1600.
§  Slow can be dispelled or transferred.
§  Third Minion:
§  Has a Movement Speed of 100 and a missile speed of 1900.
§  Deals 30% of Klanx's Base Damage as Magic damage.
Klanx Ultimate avatar: Doomsday Klanx (With Effects)

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